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Uploaded Files

Documents are successfully uploaded to EXL Health. We will send you a confirmation email once all the uploaded documents are scanned successfully in our server.
Reference Key Audit ID Document Name Document Size Uploaded Date

Documents are successfully uploaded to EXL Health. We will send you a confirmation email once all the uploaded documents are scanned successfully in our server.
add Reference Key
Welcome to EXL Health's Provider Portal

The use of this portal is provided with the understanding that it will be used responsibly and confidentially for the sole purpose of uploading Medical and Pharmacy Records in support of claims selected for audit.

We advise you to enter the Reference Key correctly and upload the Medical Records pertaining to the same Reference Key to correctly process and attach to EXL audit.

Medical Record / Invoice Uploads
  1. Provider Portal supports Medical Record upload in only PDF format.
  2. Medical Record Invoices should be uploaded in the Portal by selecting Invoice Records from the Select Document Type drop-down list.
    1. During upload, please note that Medical Records and Invoices must be added separately for the same Reference Key
Pharmacy Record Uploads
  1. Provider Portal supports Pharmacy Record upload in JPG/JPEG and PDF format.
  2. Pharmacy Records uploaded in the Portal should have appropriate document type selected from the Select Document Type drop-down list.
Attach and Upload Documents

Upload File

To enable the upload section, Please select the reference key from the left panel.
Select the Switch button to enable upload files

Confirm the Patient Name on the Request letter with selected Reference key matches the selected files.

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